NOTE: ALL CURRENT STUDENTS in a College of Business and Economics Master's Program will need to email Please provide a detailed email of your advising needs, your daytime phone number, and CWID#. An Advisor will get back to you within 48-72 hours with a response to your advising question or to schedule an appointment.
1. Prospective Student Advising Meet with a Graduate Admissions Counselor for general program information and application questions. Students can also ask about GPA minimums and prerequisite requirements. The scheduled meeting can be online via Zoom, or over the phone. Make Appointment |
2a. Initial Advising Appt (A-K or FEMBA) Online Advising: for newly admitted Masters students only (Last names A-K and FEMBA).
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment. Make Appointment |
2b. Initial Advising Appt (L-Z) Online Advising: for newly admitted Masters students (Last names L-Z only)
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment. Make Appointment |
3a. New Admit Follow Up (A-K or FEMBA) Online Advising: for newly admitted Masters students who have already completed their initial advising appointment.
(Last names A-K or FEMBA)
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment. Make Appointment |
3b. New Admit Follow Up (L-Z) Online Advising: for newly admitted Masters students (Last name L-Z only)
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment. Make Appointment |
4a. Current Student Appt (A-K or FEMBA) Online Advising: for Masters students in their second semester or beyond (Last name A-K or FEMBA)
Zoom Link will be sent on the morning of the appointment. Make Appointment |
4b. Current Student Appt (L-Z) Online Advising: for Masters students in their second semester and beyond (Last names L-Z).
Zoom link will be sent on morning of appointment. Make Appointment |
5. Admitted/Current Advising - In Person In Person ONLY: for newly admitted or current students who would like an in-person meeting.
Prospective student appointments will be cancelled. Make Appointment |
9a. Tutoring by Betsy - Tutor 1 Writing, etc. tutor for CBE graduate students enrolled in BUAD 501a *or* any CBE graduate courses. Check tutor's calendar for open times, and please provide course name. Betsy's Tutoring hours are: Tues and Thurs 4pm-7pm | Location: Zoom Tutoring Make Appointment |
12/03/2022 1:03 AM | Andrew Troncoso Negative | No feedback |
10/06/2022 9:35 AM | Tevin Vu Negative | No feedback |
06/18/2018 4:30 PM | Jingyu He Positive | No feedback |
06/15/2018 1:18 PM | Jingyu He Positive | No feedback |
CBE Graduate Programs is short-staffed and will be using email to manage the needs of our Master's Students. We thank you for your patience and support during this time.