Financial Parenting Classes
This class is to get back to family financial building. Take onsite, class time is 1-1.5 hours Cost $99; Workbook $25 or online course which includes workbook Copy Link for Online:
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Fri-Sun Appointment Only No Walks Ins
Friday - Sunday- This schedule is to prepare income tax returns, take a training class or have a business consultation session.
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Income Tax Preparation
This schedule is to prepare income tax returns
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Non Profit Consulting
This schedule services is to talk about business ideas; visions; new startups; and other services that the company offers. This includes bookkeeping; youth financial training; financial parenting classes; strategic planning and other contractual services.
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Other Accounting Services
This schedule services is to talk about business ideas; visions; new startups; and other services that the company offers. This includes bookkeeping; youth financial training; financial parenting classes; strategic planning and other contractual services.
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Youth Financial Literacy
This class is for youth to empower them financially by teaching them about basic investing, money management, preparing income taxes and giving them the opportunity to let us know what they would like to learn about money.
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