B2B consulting (1 on 1) $500 half day
New to databases. Create a frame work of what you as business owner want this system to deliver for you. Consulting is personal and specific to your business. Our trained professionals will guide you through the pit falls.
Sales Management Essentials $99
Rule #1, know more than your sales reps. Get stunning results, never loose customer info when a rep leaves, always have your forecast ready in a minutes notice, define improvment points with individuals reps in days.
SalesMetric Reps Essentials $70
Book early this class fills up very quickly. Rep Essentials gets sales reps up to speed teaching just the "must knows" of entering customer facing data. Simple, hands on, high impact and just one hour. Sign up today.
Set up and Maintenance $99
Do not miss this course. Once your company has agreed to use SalesMetric, book Set up and Maintenance, as step number 1. Those that are tasked with the administration function will gain a overall orientation of SalesMetric in one hour.
Virtual Services from $22 to $99
Virtual: Sales Coach $99/hr, Sales Manager $99/hr, Report Generation $88/hr, Sales Leads 500 virtical sales leads for $77, Virtual Set up and Maintenance $44/hr, Virtual Inputting $33/hr, Virtual Download $22/hr